Хороший справочник: http://www.fprintf.net/vimCheatSheet.html
Как выходить:
q[uit] | Quit Vim. This fails when changes have been made. |
:q[uit]! | Quit without writing. |
:cq[uit] | Quit always, without writing. |
:wq | Write the current file and exit. |
:wq! | Write the current file and exit always. |
:wq {file} | Write to {file}. Exit if not editing the last |
:wq! {file} | Write to {file} and exit always. |
:[range]wq[!] | [file] Same as above, but only write the lines in [range]. |
ZZ | Write current file, if modified, and exit. |
ZQ | Quit current file and exit (same as ":q!"). |
Правка файла:
:e[dit] | Edit the current file. This is useful to re-edit the current file, when it has been changed outside of Vim. |
:e[dit]! | Edit the current file always. Discard any changes to the current buffer. This is useful if you want to start all over again. |
:e[dit] {file} | Edit {file}. |
:e[dit]! {file} | Edit {file} always. Discard any changes to the current buffer. |
gf | Edit the file whose name is under or after the cursor. Mnemonic: "goto file". |
Удаление текста:
<Del> or x |
Delete [count] characters under and after the cursor |
X | Delete [count] characters before the cursor |
d{motion} | Delete text that {motion} moves over |
dd | Delete [count] lines |
D | Delete the characters under the cursor until the end of the line |
{Visual}x or {Visual}d |
Delete the highlighted text (for {Visual} see Selecting Text). |
{Visual}CTRL-H or {Visual} |
When in Select mode: Delete the highlighted text |
{Visual}X or {Visual}D |
Delete the highlighted lines |
:[range]d[elete] | Delete [range] lines (default: current line) |
:[range]d[elete] {count} | Delete {count} lines, starting with [range] |